Hattiesburg, MS was founded in 1882 by Captain William H. Hardy, a lumberman and engineer. In 1884, when a stop on the Meridian to New Orleans railroad was built in Hattiesburg, the surrounding virgin pine forests led Hattiesburg to fortune in the timber industry.
The Hattiesburg Zoo
One of only two zoos in Mississippi, and one of only a few zoos in the Southeastern United States that offers free admission, the Hattiesburg Zoo has much to offer. More than 186,000 people visited last year.
These very large crocodillians differ from true crocodiles in that their heads are broader and shorter and their snouts more blunt. Specimens have been recorded in excess of 19 feet.
These look like happy little guys.
The Beverly Drive-In
The Beverly was first constructed in 1948. Although it was closed for a period of time it is open again and running first run movies.
Graceland Too
Down a backstreet in Holly Springs is the greatest shrine to one of the greatest performers of our century. The performer? Elvis Presley. The place? Graceland Too. Here, in a century old antebellum home, one fanatic has amassed the greatest collection of Elvis memorabilia known to man.
Among the collection are all the lp's and 45's, including the "most valuable record in the world" -- cherished so much that Graceland Too has rejected million dollar offers from three presidents, Elvis trading cards, Elvis wine, Elvis' jumpsuits, jungle room carpet, even Elvis' report card where he got an 'F' in music.